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Melbourne Trees

Stump Removal

Stump Removal Melbourne

 Melbourne Trees offers stump removal to all areas of Melbourne. A tree stump can be hazardous at times and can cause all kinds of trouble.  Stumps are generally removed because they are very unsightly. Stumps are also a hazard for children, pets or anyone playing in the back yard. When stumps are left to rot, termites can be attracted to them making your home vulnerable to damage.

What To Expect From Our Service

At Melbourne Trees, our stump removals are performed by highly experienced and knowledgeable professionals. We provide an exceptional stump removal service at a very cheap price. Our stump removals are the best stump removal services you will find anywhere in Melbourne as we understand how important it is to remove tree stumps from your property so as to prevent harm coming to you, your family or even pets.

When is stump removal necessary?

There are many reasons why stump removals may be needed. Stump removal is usually the only option if the stump was not treated with stump killer chemicals or herbicide when it was cut down. Stumps can also become dangerous if they are rotting and termites have infested them which could damage your home severely, so stump removal is highly recommended in that case.

Dangers of stump removal delay

If stump removal is not done in a timely fashion, the stump can be hazardous at times. A stump's decay process begins immediately following its cutting and continues even after it has been removed from your yard depending on various factors such as the tree stump size, age and the stump treatment that was applied. Any stump left on a property can be a hazard to anyone playing in the area, children and pets being the most common victims of stump accidents.

If you have any stump removal requirements, please do not hesitate to call us immediately. We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week for emergency stump removals.

For more information about stump removals or our other services, please give us a call today on 03 9118 0660 so we can talk about removing your tree stump.

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